
Short Film Research: Big Take

  In the short film Big Take there is a common usage of tracking shots, medium close ups, extreme close ups, and eye level all of these were used to help create the feel of the drama genre as they increase the emotions in scenes to achieve the desired effect. In Big Take there is limited amount of dialogue only being given to the sides character, something common in the short film is diegetic sound like the walking of the police, and the lighting of the zippo lighter. The sets in the short film are mainly residential with neighborhoods being used, but for the place the two criminals hide in it is grimy and old looking and the costumes in the short film is basic nothing big about the costumes only doing what they need too. The props in the short film were cigarettes and a lighter and they used them to tell the story as they are swapped. The acting was great using non-verbal movements to convey dialogue and to tell the audience what the characters are feeling in eye, hands, head, bod...

Research: How to make a short film

  How to manage the limitations of the short films. Learn to do different in the writing and in the video they uses the phrase never do the first exception to prevent an boring film. Never hold back go 100% still if acting have safety in made. Work with the limitations not have them as a handicap. Editing the video said to have time to see it from a far and watch it with someone else.  Find ways to include music in your work. when cutting cut a lot till it feels to tight so you can allow the film to breath by adding stuff. It is all about working and try to make something with the limitations you have. When it comes done to casting, cast people that best fit for the characters. This video may help me in the future as I make my short film. With everything it takes time to create. I will use this video if I ever account issues in pre-productions, active production and post. I believe that I will face issues so I most likely come back to this to try to find a solution. Make story...

Comparing Le Jetée, the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie

 From watching the video I took that even with the same plot a story can change completely with it being a short film or movie. Other thing being how Le Jetée just being a bunch of photos it still tells an amazing story, so it is not just visuals it is the writing of the story film this makes me think of an example take a massive budget movie with impressive visuals, but lacks a clever story it would flop as people from the start would be blow away by visuals, but than be well that was a nothing plot. Now the opposite a movie with an extremely tight budget, but a story to stand on by not have the best visuals, but can still impress viewers with its story alone. Examples of both possibilities is first Black Adam staring The Rock it is a movie with a ton of great visuals, but lacks a clear plot or direction its budget was about $195 million USD (Untied States Dollars) verse the original Star Wars released in 1977 it had impressive visuals for the time, but when a person looks into it...

Comparing 9, the short, and 9, the full-length movie

 9 the short film by Shane Acker had an experimental, original, fresh, and unique feel to it were the full-length version has some of those qualities to them, the short film had this qualities from the start. The full-length did have an experimental plot that is a more branched out version of the short film, but it uses safer techniques which were experimental, but not extremely experimental like Avatar by James Camron released around the same time. Full-length film was able to explore 9's backstory and goals a lot more than the short film could ever do. I did enjoy the short film a lot more as it was a great watch and this Shane Acker truly testing himself and pushing what he is able to do as an at the time armature film-maker and I think another reason being it more accessible to watch as I watch straight from Shane Acker's website. The full-length film was great, but an issue I think I had was that it was a movie that had amazing passion behind it, but lack any limitations t...

The genre of short Film

  The genre of the short film is drama as it will tackle the emotional tension of workers. This will be my first time dealing with this genre as I prefer to do comedy, but for my short film I am unable to effectively use comedy to tell the story. I will resource on the drama genre to create an effectively story in it. I will start resourcing on the creation of short films and the filming process also. I can not wait to start filming as I have to come up with clever work arounds to achieve types of shots due to limitations of  personally owned cameras.

My Pitch

  1. A man is over worked ending up yelling at his boss for the amount of work he is making him do, due to his coworkers using A.I to complete work. 2. Someone is lost in the woods and try to survive in wild. The first pitch would be fine to work with as it would be easy to get the setting right. The writing of the script would be an easy as I could look at completes from people online about working in offices and use them as inspiration. Costumes would be cost effective as I would require a suit which I own making it an easy task.  I will be able to play with camera angles as a desk has many points were I can place cameras. The time I have may enable myself to film in a reasonable time verse needed to take time out my day. I do not want to do the second pitch as it causes a lot of issues as I do not live in an area that has any where that fits a deep forest the only place that is similar is my local park that is near houses and the highway so no angles are possible there. Wri...

I work alone

 I am working alone. The reason for this is that I find it easier to work on my own and for the process of making the final task is when I work with other people I am unable to collaborate with other people or issues rise with scheduling or connecting them or myself. Due to these reasons I shall be doing all of the work on my own for the shack of time and the creation process. One goal of myself work alone is to better understand the filming and editing process verse working with a group if the tasks divided among people which in some way someone loses valuable information because of division of the tasks which yes improve the process of filming making. Due to my personal  beliefs I will be working alone. I had a nice day at school, and just got information on the finale task, but right now I final okay on what is going to happen. I can not wait to start to think of pitches for my short film, but I have not thought of any ideas, but I will sleep on it and think about it when g...