Comparing Le Jetée, the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie

 From watching the video I took that even with the same plot a story can change completely with it being a short film or movie. Other thing being how Le Jetée just being a bunch of photos it still tells an amazing story, so it is not just visuals it is the writing of the story film this makes me think of an example take a massive budget movie with impressive visuals, but lacks a clever story it would flop as people from the start would be blow away by visuals, but than be well that was a nothing plot. Now the opposite a movie with an extremely tight budget, but a story to stand on by not have the best visuals, but can still impress viewers with its story alone. Examples of both possibilities is first Black Adam staring The Rock it is a movie with a ton of great visuals, but lacks a clear plot or direction its budget was about $195 million USD (Untied States Dollars) verse the original Star Wars released in 1977 it had impressive visuals for the time, but when a person looks into it there were many moments of cutting corners to save money which means some of the visual charm was lose, but the story of Stars Wars was great taking elements from sci-fi and war movies to make the space opera. The information I gather was to also us sound effects and music to help tell the story on a deeper level. I think as my short film will be a drama short film I take some elements from it in the camera work and others. Prime example I will mostly likely use the clever usage of sound effects to better deepen the important scenes. Other element I will uses is the reverses expectation as in Le Jetée the plot of it makes a viewer think it would be an action heavy movie, but in reality it is tragic story of a man witnessing his own death that happened in his attempt to end a war, but in a twisted irony it is his death that starts the war so for him to end the war he needs to see himself die that then leads to the war creating a paradox of some kind and I find that interesting as the short film explores the failure of man in attempts to prevent destruction, but is the root cause.  The article on Le Jetée and 12 Monkeys was that both are  similar, but the core story branches out. Other take way is both are master classes in there creation as they both took different methods in telling their stories  and having different view points, Le Jetée takes a narrate looking over the story were 12 Monkeys takes a first person point of view. these differences due not only expand to the point of views one difference is that the antagonist of the two works in 12 Monkeys is Jeffrey Goines who causes the outbreak were in Le Jetée it is the inescapable events in time which is no matter how many times you try to change history it will always playout the same way. A piece of information I got from this is to not be afraid to experiment with film as a medium of story telling as a great piece of work comes form try some thing new and different and not sticking to what you know. What this article will do for me in creating my short film is a lack of fear to throw something at a wall to see what sticks. Throw safety out of the window for creative with no limits and letting myself to use every idea possible in better telling my story. both the video and article taught me to not think about this what I can do just do that, but lets see what I may be able to do and maybe break some tropes in it. I am weird as I enjoy the creative process, but not the finish work were for many people it is the other way around as they enjoy the finish product, but hated every moment making it which leads to a weird quirk of myself I do not enjoy watching musicals, but I love producing and acting in them which maybe a handicap for me in making the short film. There are some skills I am not the best at  that being camera work and editing I have edited video before, but for a whole short film is different so that will be fun and with the camera also as it will in value me editing out every time I start a recording as it will be all done by myself. The amount of time I have is limited, but I will go back to this when I need to see how a shot is made or a scene edited. One element of creation that will take long, but this works will help with is writing as my short film has a basic plot and Le Jetée and 12 Monkeys both had simple plots and made them large emotional stories so I will steal a page from both of them. I will find a way to make my short film have the same amount of impact Le Jetée has to offer. I may one day go and watch this completely to truly experience brilliant craftsmanship in movie making.


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