Short Film Research: Big Take


In the short film Big Take there is a common usage of tracking shots, medium close ups, extreme close ups, and eye level all of these were used to help create the feel of the drama genre as they increase the emotions in scenes to achieve the desired effect. In Big Take there is limited amount of dialogue only being given to the sides character, something common in the short film is diegetic sound like the walking of the police, and the lighting of the zippo lighter. The sets in the short film are mainly residential with neighborhoods being used, but for the place the two criminals hide in it is grimy and old looking and the costumes in the short film is basic nothing big about the costumes only doing what they need too. The props in the short film were cigarettes and a lighter and they used them to tell the story as they are swapped. The acting was great using non-verbal movements to convey dialogue and to tell the audience what the characters are feeling in eye, hands, head, body movement etc. How the short film was lit was unique in that at first mainly used the sun outdoors and inside, but there moments that the lighter was used to light a some part of the scene. Editing in the short film was mainly jump cuts as they move to different scenes and with action matin when there was the running in the beginning. I really enjoy the clever lighting that help enrich important moments, the usage of body langue then words in moments were words were ruin it and playing with camera location. I what did not enjoy was the classic close up on face on the right side of the face that is something that is what I find as a clique to how many times it used. Other films that are in my genre are 12 angry men which is a trail drama looking at a jury's choosing their verdict, Bo Burnham: Inside a musical drama looking at the mental health of a music performer and the impacts of Covid 19 to public life, Model Citizen a short film about a dystopian society that wants to have everyone in the city be a "Model Citizen". All of this examples I will use what they did to create my short film as they break conventions of the drama genre and will be some of my inspirations. 


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