Comparing 9, the short, and 9, the full-length movie

 9 the short film by Shane Acker had an experimental, original, fresh, and unique feel to it were the full-length version has some of those qualities to them, the short film had this qualities from the start. The full-length did have an experimental plot that is a more branched out version of the short film, but it uses safer techniques which were experimental, but not extremely experimental like Avatar by James Camron released around the same time. Full-length film was able to explore 9's backstory and goals a lot more than the short film could ever do. I did enjoy the short film a lot more as it was a great watch and this Shane Acker truly testing himself and pushing what he is able to do as an at the time armature film-maker and I think another reason being it more accessible to watch as I watch straight from Shane Acker's website. The full-length film was great, but an issue I think I had was that it was a movie that had amazing passion behind it, but lack any limitations that the short film had which for me loses some charm that the short film had. Now common conventions between them is muted colors in character design and set dressing, but the only uses of any bright color is any uses of the soul power or magic I would not figure out what it is, but this power source for this dolls was a bright dark ghostly green and other convention is the uses of sound effects in the short film sound effects like mechanical stitching and screeching were used for the metal beast that is killing dolls with the full-length doing the same but adds more mechanical ambient sounds to the world. An only convention in the short film is limited movement many of the elements in the short film are static in nature were the full-length is less static in some moments of the movie.  In the full-length movie there is more music in leitmotifs for specific characters like 9.  Set design in the short film was heavily empty there were items, but also a lot of empty space this most likely happen with it being a short film with a limited budget so to save on money it elected to have empty space. The full-length had much more to the sets the best way to see it is a high school putting on a musical like Newsies verse Broadway putting on the musical it is a clear difference. The lighting in the short film was mostly basic being flat with small moments of advance lighting, the opposite is true for the full-length which had far greater advance lighting, but still used flat when it best fit. The camera angles are also different with the short film having normal low, high angels it uses medium, far, close up and extreme close up. For the full version there was a lot more that would to long to list. The editing of both versions are polar opposites as the short-film only uses jump cuts when change from scene to scene where the movie uses jumps cut, transitions a bunch when editing. Character design I spoke about this earlier, but in the short film it was basic only having different looks for the dolls only to tell them apart and imply personalities and the metal beast design to be a monster and the texture 9 used for his fabric looked the same as the player character in little big planet. The full-length took time to better design the characters personalities and looks for example 9 in the movie they made a clever underdog and it is reflected in his design by giving him big eyes and a cute look. The acting this is were as both are animated works, but in the short film the characters movement is stiff, but their personalities are still clearly show. The short film was working with limited money and time so when it came down to character movement they had to be clever. The full-length movie was able to have their characters move a lot more fluid like, but still choose to somewhat keep the stiff movement for 9 making his movement apart of his character. Character movement was a non-issue for the movie, but they still took a lot of time to get it right as the short film had lay the ground work they wanted to improve on it. I think when I start to fully work on my short film I may go back and watch this two movies as they were truly an unique experience. 


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