script rework

Sorry for noting blogging yesterday and the day before but My family just a new dog, but today I just some work no the script to feel more natural and less scripted and more as a really station but it being a comedy as it is to be some what fake but I get the idea. My plan is also to learn to perform in front of a camera and relax to feel natural. I learn how to write but still need improvement. That is all for today. Oh yeah tomorrow will be film day. I know their might be some touch ups on the script, but I'll do it before I start filming tomorrow. I have been having fun writing the script as I never did something like it before and I have my characters say want I want them to say in the scene and not suffer with bad writing. I enjoy writing and learning how to write movie scripts. I fear going in front of the camera as I never really have done stuff like this before. I don't know what I'm doing but I'm just free balling it as I go. I know some what to do but most of the stuff no but I'll learn. I chose what I'm doing base on the how far in I'm at the start of writing I just wrote it has bad but I as go forward I fix problems and made then greater then they were. The goal is to get better at writing and experiencing my ideas as I have I hard time doing that. I plan to have the lines feel as though it is possible in the real world so I need to make the characters relatable and understandable for my type of comedy to work. This is because I want to do relatable comedy instead of absurd comedy but I do love that from of comedy. I like absurd comedy but it require experience and knowing how it works. Were relatable humor is easier but still a challenge to get right as the writer needs to know the human experience but as well the ability to write relatable character on top of that to still make is a challenge but not as difficult as absurd humor. Comedies are truly an annoying gene as people think it is just writing jokes but their is more it I learn that by writing a comedy. A comedy needs build up, miss direction, let a joke sit before the next, and many other rules when done right someone has a good comedy. Comedies are hard but why I chose to do it as horror has a formula to it were comedy yes does have a formula but a comedy doesn't need the formula to work.


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