My Pitch


1. A man is over worked ending up yelling at his boss for the amount of work he is making him do, due to his coworkers using A.I to complete work.

2. Someone is lost in the woods and try to survive in wild.

The first pitch would be fine to work with as it would be easy to get the setting right. The writing of the script would be an easy as I could look at completes from people online about working in offices and use them as inspiration. Costumes would be cost effective as I would require a suit which I own making it an easy task.  I will be able to play with camera angles as a desk has many points were I can place cameras. The time I have may enable myself to film in a reasonable time verse needed to take time out my day.

I do not want to do the second pitch as it causes a lot of issues as I do not live in an area that has any where that fits a deep forest the only place that is similar is my local park that is near houses and the highway so no angles are possible there. Writing would be a massive issue as trying to come up with stakes that would create issues is a real problem as half of them I am physical unable to do. I do not own anything that would fit this pitch and may require me to buy a lot of stuff for it. Time is a major issue as trying to work with trying to film at a location well dealing with other things may cause some serous issues. Editing of this pitch would be a nightmare as I have to deal with people playing a the park, cars driving by, and etc. Due a lot of reasons I will not do this pitch and also this one is just betting a dead horse.


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