I work alone

 I am working alone. The reason for this is that I find it easier to work on my own and for the process of making the final task is when I work with other people I am unable to collaborate with other people or issues rise with scheduling or connecting them or myself. Due to these reasons I shall be doing all of the work on my own for the shack of time and the creation process. One goal of myself work alone is to better understand the filming and editing process verse working with a group if the tasks divided among people which in some way someone loses valuable information because of division of the tasks which yes improve the process of filming making. Due to my personal  beliefs I will be working alone. I had a nice day at school, and just got information on the finale task, but right now I final okay on what is going to happen. I can not wait to start to think of pitches for my short film, but I have not thought of any ideas, but I will sleep on it and think about it when given time to. It has been weird being 18 years old because in the legal world I am technical an adult, but some of the rights adults have I am not old enough so this period of my life is I can do nearly everything my teachers and parents can do, but not others things. I have been having fun with my life, but I am scared for my future for many reasons, but I hope I am still able to do this fully with no issues. I have been watching many great shows and movies one I highly recommended is a show called Delicious in Dungeon, which is a story about a group of adventurers try to save one of the adventurers sister, but due to lack of supplies they decided  to live off monsters in the dungeon. I saw in the news the Onionin lost the case to gaining ownership of  Info Wars which hurts me, I hope they try to appeal the verdict. I semi-recently got an a dog who has been a true hand-full especially involving the cats. I bought myself I new laptop solely for Media Studies as I know I will probably have to do video editing  at some point and my odd Chromebook will not cut it due to it not having support for better video editing software like DaVinci Resolve which is my chosen editing software for this project. I have been slowly working on small things head of time, so I have an easier time some of the harder elements. I will try to teach myself screen writing for this and better translate the ideas in my head into words on a page or paper. This will most likely at some point be place on the back burner when I am focusing on other work I have to do. I hope by working on my own I learn greater skills and hone skills I already have by working on this short film there many moments to come. I am writing this in real time with my thoughts and I fear I will not be able to create any ideas for a short film as it is difficult for me to make an idea in a blink of an eye but by watching stuff, doing something to get my brain working to start generating ideas. Back to the main topic I will be working on my own for a better and more one time project versus trying to get other people and their parents to agree for a time and place instead for it to be myself filming, editing, writing, and acting (with maybe my family and friends when needed). I chose to work alone I did not have to, but I did this for my own reasons and maybe play into the fact I am alone doing this in my short film. Well I hope that for anyone who reads this that they have a nice and happy day.


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