some filming issues
Due to some issues filming will be tomorrow that is all for today. Today some of the people I need getting home late and me needed to do some reworking on the script so we push it back to tomorrow night to film. Any way some personal news my family got a puppy name Deuce he is a French bull dog and my family got him for free so we did not to pay $3,000 for him so that was nice. The work I need to do on the script was some rewording to feel natural and real. My goal is to give the audience fun but relatable to the characters in the movie as I know it is important to relate to a character in a movie more for comedies. I feel though a lot of current comedies are just not relatable in some way. A person can make a comedy unrelatable but the plot of the comedy was to be absurd but the characters have to take it serious to make it funny, it the movie Airplane everything that happens in the movie is Absurd but the characters act serious on what happened which made it funny but were the movie Wonka which release last year for me wasn't funny as the characters acted as if they know it was fake which ruined it for me. I truly want to have a fun time with this and I hope nothing happens were I need to scrip the film. I have been having a fun time do this. I still haven't found editing software but that is okay. This one is pretty short due to me not needing or unable to do stuff needed but I will work on what I can. I do fear that my acting won't be right as I only did theater acting which extremely different to movie acting as on stage a person needs over emote the emotions were for a movie and actor can be more subtle with the emotions and even how a person speaks on stage a person projects their voice for the audiences were for a movie were their is mics every where an actor does have to act more. which will be hard for me as being a person who was performed on stage the transition may be a bit jarring for him. I know have to learn quick but I do believe I can do it. I know one issue is the fear of being in front of the camera. The camera to me is a soulless void and with how I need to act scares me as I'm not used to it. So, I need to forces my way to work with it and may it work. My plan for the most is good but there some holes but not a major issues to worry about. I can't believe people do this stuff as a job is fun but scare at the same time. I ran out on what to talk about but I also been enjoying my time working on this dispect it be stressful.
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