
 I will learn how to edit as I going and go back and fix mistakes I made. I learn to edit and everything. As I was editing I needed to find ways to fix issues and have it flow right. Still the thing I was editing with was it the best but not bad. It was fun finding ways to edit and to put what I was thinking in my mind on to film it was still hard. There a major learning curve to it when you get to it. When editing something funny happen the music lined up with the film when I reenter the frame which was really funny to me. Now knowing basic editing I may on my own time learn more types of editing for fun. When seeing the finale product and it is different from what I spoken before that is due to the film from the first shoot not beaning playing on my laptop or it not feeling right. Most of the footage was behind the scene talk or not even being a video to watch in the first place. I still had fun with filming it though and I will learn from that for the next time I do this. When I mean not useful one of the videos was too dark on the lighting and the camera was too close to the person or not on them. The music was annoying as it was too loud which made it hard to work with but I by terming down and boosting the video audio I made it work. I had a hard time finding the right editing software but I found it but still a pain to use, this may be due to the track-pad not the software. I will in the future use something else to make it easier for editing. I love learning how to do new things and I always wanted to know how to edit as it looked interesting as it is hard but also simple at the same time.  Editing is far more difficult then simple was someone has to balance audio and visuals at the same time which can be draining as someone was to rewatch the same video over and over again to make sure it is just right. I had to learn cutting attaching but I could never figure out words on screen because when I want on to due the editing software froze or something as I couldn't cut or term anything in the video but I found a way. I will in the future maybe get a computer for stuff like this but I worry about it in the future not know. I will say it were I hate cap-cut the last time I used it it lag out and won't play the video; I will never use cap-cut it is a laggy mess. I used Canva which is better but still annoying.


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