camera work and filming

 I want the camera to have close ups, over shoulder pans to really have a tension in the moment to confuse people have them dumbfounded by such things and many more things with how a camera can be used. Filming went well for the most part in one long take and sadly I was unable to get the shots I wanted but is it okay I'll make due. The footage I had appear to be good but I will check tomorrow to make sure they are good if not I may have to refilm or do other idea I had. I still don't want the get ready opening it is to over used and unoriginal there is way to use it but I don't want to. I learn to make sure to check if it is filming but it is okay I filmed it really late I think lighting will be an issued. The idea is a person going to bed I will explain more if I need to scrap the footage, but that is in the future. Filming was fun as I was in an alleyway between a Five guys and a Regal movie theater so that was fun. There was a real knife but I did taped over it I think I didn't taped it enough as I got I cut from the knife but it would have be worst if I didn't taped. The reason I taped was I know when in a movie if there is a real knife they tape it so no one gets hurt I learn this from a story from Texas Chainsaw Massacre were they did tape one of the knife for a scene but it didn't go right so the actor for Leather Face Gunner Hansen took the tape of the knife. If you want to know which scene it is the scene were leather Face cuts the girls figure to feed the old man her blood. I didn't intend anyone to be cut in my movie, I feel as though I need to make clear.  I don't want to hurt anyone with stuff like this as there other ways to do stuff for that scene me cutting the top of my figure near my nail was I accident not intend. I loved filming in fact I didn't know I cut my figure till after filming was done. I now need to make sure the camera is filming outright but also filming at the right time. I also from what I saw I need to improve my acting as I was using stage acting but film acting. I learned how to do a tracking shot and how to be an effective director to people. I did make mistake on not take longer but I will find a way to use what I have. I still need to learn editing but I haven't found the right editing software went due to me being very picky as I won't use A.I editing software or even Cap-cut due to when I used it last time. I love being a director and I want to do it again.


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