I work alone

I am working alone. The reason for this is that I find it easier to work on my own and for the process of making the final task is when I work with other people I am unable to collaborate with other people or issues rise with scheduling or connecting them or myself. Due to these reasons I shall be doing all of the work on my own for the shack of time and the creation process. One goal of myself work alone is to better understand the filming and editing process verse working with a group if the tasks divided among people which in some way someone loses valuable information because of division of the tasks which yes improve the process of filming making. Due to my personal beliefs I will be working alone. I had a nice day at school, and just got information on the finale task, but right now I final okay on what is going to happen. I can not wait to start to think of pitches for my short film, but I have not thought of any ideas, but I will sleep on it and think about it when g...